James Adriaan Harrison
I was born in 1953 in Cape Town, South Africa, and lived there for 60 years. I have a home in Riebeek East, Eastern Cape province, and currently spend most of my time in Pretoria, Gauteng province. I am married and have two adult children.
I am a zoologist in retirement, and a published poet. Photography is now my main pursuit. My photography is showcased on this site and also on Instagram. My poetry is available in a series of small collections, entitled Austral Anomalies, on Amazon. (The collections also include photography.)
Photography entered my life at about age six when I started assisting my father in his darkroom in our garage. He was a keen amateur photographer who was once placed second in a competition with a picture of me playing in a rockpool. I loved seeing my dad's images emerge on paper in trays of chemicals. I have taken photographs myself since age 17 when I got my first camera, but it is only since about 2010 that I have created images that go beyond mere record shots. I now try to bring the sensibility of poetry to my photographic images.
For a description of my photographic interests, check out the post "My Photographic Manifesto" on the blog page of this website.
I launched my photography business, James Adriaan Fine Art Photography, in March 2023, the month of my 70th birthday. Apart from needing to supplement my pension, I want to find an audience for my work. I would like to know that my photographs bring pleasure to people in their homes and other living spaces. To this end, I am keen to provide a personalized service to customers and hope that some may become collectors.
For details on how to purchase photographs directly from me, please see the "Services and FAQs" and the "Prices, Terms and Conditions" pages on this website. For a good overview of my work, see the themed albums on this website (tab above), and consider following me on Instagram where I post almost every day (link below).
Thank you for your interest. I hope you will visit regularly to see additions to this site. If you would like to be informed of new posts in my blog and new albums of photos, please send me your email address (which I will keep in confidence) so that I can send you notifications. I invite you to communicate with me via the "Contact" page on this website.
Yours in beautiful imagery,
Pretoria, 2023

Follow me on Instagram.
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Find my poetry for sale on Amazon.com
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